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McKay NAPA Presents $6,000 Donation To Pool

McKay Corporation

McKay NAPA presented a generous donation to the Central Park Pool project on Tuesday, Sept. 17. Pictured above are Hillsboro store manager Adrianne Kamer, McKay President Earl Flack and Barb Hewitt on behalf of the Central Park Pool project.

On Tuesday, Sept. 17, McKay NAPA donated $5,000 as their donation to the Central Park Pool project, which was a portion of all sales from the months of July and August. In addition, social media worked its magic in a positive way, sharing and spreading the word that McKay's was donating a portion of their sales.

Connor Hegarty, an account executive with Old World Industries (OWI) based in Chicago, reached out to McKay President Earl Flack and explained his story and connections with Hillsboro. The result was OWI donating an additional $1,000, to make the total amount donated $6,000.

OWI is a NAPA partner, supplying things like, anti-freeze, windshield wash and DEF fluid.

Hegarty not only has connections to Hillsboro through McKay's, but through another local family as well. Hegarty spent his summers coming to Hillsboro as a child to visit his mothers college friend-turned family friend, Jean Strausbaugh.

Having spent time as a kid going to the Hillsboro Pool with friends and knowing how much the pool means to the Hillsboro Community first hand, he was honored to make the donation.


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